Australia's Business Grade
Unified Communications Solution

We have all the components to start and run your own
White Label Telco!


Multiple IP PBXs on a single instance

A Multi-Tenant CloudPBX is able to handle multiple customers (tenants) with a single instance of the software. Even though every customer has a dedicated PBX, they all share the same asterisk instance. Using the single instance for all customers cuts down operating costs significantly.

Unified Comms Applications

Available on Desktop & Mobile

Communicator is a Desktop & Mobile Unified Communications application designed to provide business users with a set of features and benefits capable of transforming your company communications system into a real powerhouse.

It is available on Microsoft Windows, MAC OS, Ubuntu Linux as a desktop application, and on Google Android and Apple iOS as a mobile application.

Invoice & Payment Platform

All pieces in one for an assertive management

Access Portal is a fully-featured telecom customer portal, designed for integration with one or many CloudPBX telephony switches.

Access Portal has a friendly GUI that enables efficient, automated billing, invoicing and payments, allowing you to spend less time dealing with the administration of your company and more time to SELL!

Voice Services

Voice Services for your Business Communications

Call Termination
1300 & 1800 Services with Geo Routing
Single DIDs
10/100 DID Number Ranges
Number Porting
Fax to Email and Email to Fax
SIP Trunk for On-Premises PBXs
SMS Gateway
Conference Bridges
Microsoft Teams Connectivity

Data Services

Data Services for your Business Communications

Managed NBN Services with Direct Voice Access

NBN EE  Services 100/100Mbit to 1Gbs Services

Fibre Services over Multiple Wholesale Providers
50/50Mbits to 1Gbs Services

Australian Based Support


Our technical support team is always available to you via phone, live chat and support ticketing system. 

Cloud Kinnekt Pty Ltd

ABN: 31 623 337 851 

1/7 Jeffries Street

Gowrie ACT 2904